phone: 902 3041861        Established 1993         email: 

Solutions by a Professional Mariner

Waterman:  noun 

"A man who plies for hire on rivers, lakes, or canals, or in harbours, in distinction from a seaman who is engaged on the high seas; one who manages small craft; a boatman; a ferryman".

Waterman Services has supplied Mariners and others with project solutions since 1995. The owner holds Ships Master papers (500 tons near coastal with towing endorsement). Issued by Transport Canada 

Work experience 

Coastal commands ranged from watertaxis, crew boats, pilot boats and launches. Tugs as small as 13' and as large as 150'. The rated horsepower of those was from 50 to 3000 Hp. The trading area covered the Coastal shelf of North America via the Panama Canal and included Bermuda.

On passenger boats, the trade was harbour tours, dinner cruises, weddings and corporate events up to 100 aboard on vessels 65' to 125'. 

 Arkworks Boatbuilding & Repairs 1975-1995

A partnership of 3 boat builders located in the Granville Island Maritime Market in Vancouver's False Creek.

Notable projects

The design and building of the 85' Spanish Galleon replica which is located in the West Edmonton Mall.  

Built in the "big red barn" at the maritime market on Granville Island. It was then sawn into sections and rebuilt for fitting out at a location nearby (proof of concept). The road transport included the transit 7 tunnels through mountain passes to Edmonton was on 9 standard trailers and one low bed trailer for the for the high bow section. 

Installation, management and teardown of the International Boat Harbour at Expo 86 in Vancouver.

The boat International harbour was one of the major themes at expo. Showcasing visiting tall ships and  a static display of artifacts from around the world. It included a four foot coracle and a 125 foot 14th century sailing ship from Japan. Most arrived in containers and the larger as deck cargo on deep sea ships. A full picture story is available at

Additional education

Diploma in Business administration (sales and marketing) Vancouver City Collage 1966-68 with a GPA of 3.86. 

We are located in Sydney Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Canada.

902 536 1861